Books that I am Currently Reading
- Machine Learning Pocket Reference: Working with Structured Data in Python - Matt Harrison (**)
- Practical Time Series Analysis: Prediction with Statistics and Machine Learning - Aileen Nielsen (**)
- Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics (from Portuguese, Noções de Probabilidade e Estatística) - Marcos Nascimento Magalhães (**)
Books that I Read and Recommend
- Practical Statistics for Data Scientists - Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce & Peter Gedeck (**)
- Designing Machine Learning Systems - Chip Huyen (**)
- Clean Code - Robert C. Martin (**)
- The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book - Andriy Burkov (**)
- Machine Learning with R - Brett Lantz (**)
- Dive Into Design Patterns - Alexander Shvets (**)
- The Pragmatic Programmer - David Thomas & Andrew Hunt (**)
- Distributed Systems - Maarten Van Steen & Andrew S Tanenbaum (**)
Reading Queue
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann (**)
- Machine Learning Engineering - Andriy Burkov (**)
- Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin (**)
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Stuart Russel & Peter Norvig
- Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love - Marty Cagan (**)
- Fundamentals of Natural Computing - Leandro Nunes de Castro (**)
- The Art of Computer Programming - Donald E. Knuth (**)
Wish List
- Data Science on AWS - Chris Fregly & Antje Barth
- 99 Bottles of OOP - Sandi Metz
- Essential Math for Data Science - Thomas Nield
(**) Books that I own